Handling & Stings

Handling your scorpion is not recommended. There is a possibility of being stung or grabbed by the scorpions pincers. More importantly, there is a chance of losing, hurting or fatally injuring your pet.

A scorpion can move quickly and will look for a dark place to hide. If he gets away, he can run under furniture, air ducts, and other places where you may not be able to retrieve him. If he runs to the end of a table, he won’t stop and will fall.

A fall can easily injure or kill your pet. If you must handle or move a scorpion the safest way is to use a bowl or ladle and scoop up the animal.

All scorpions can sting you and all scorpions carry venom. Most venom is not dangerous to humans. Of the 1,500 species of scorpions only about 24 are actually considered potentially deadly to humans.

The toxicity of the venom varies greatly between different animals of a species. Scorpions with larger pincers tend to have less toxic venom since they prefer to grab and crush their prey.

Even though most are not dangerous, you should always try to prevent a scorpion sting. Everyone reacts differently to a sting and the venom.

People allergic to bee stings may have a very adverse reaction. Children under three, the elderly, those with hypertension, and sickly individuals may also react poorly to the sting of a scorpion.

The normal symptoms of a scorpion sting are similar to a bee sting and include slight swelling, immediate pain, and a stinging or tingling sensation. The symptoms of a severe reaction can be numbness, trouble swallowing, blurred vision, trouble breathing, thick tongue, salivation, or seizures.

If you are stung or injured by accident while handling your pet or cleaning his cage, do not panic. Clean the wound with antiseptic then apply a cool washcloth or ice pack to the area at ten minute intervals. If you start having any type of severe reaction, seek out medical attention immediately.

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